
中英对照 | 最高人民检察院第三十三批指导性案例译文上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10

来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code]CLI.3.5114227(EN) 




Case of Supervision over Cancellation of Probation Granted to Sun, a Person Subject to Community Correction



Case of Supervision over Taking Back Cui, a Person Subject to Community Correction Who Was Permitted to Temporarily Serve a Sentence Outside an Incarceration Facility, into Incarceration



Case of Supervision over Commutation of Sentence against Wang, a Person Subject to Community Correction



Case of Supervision over Application for Going Out by Guan, a Person Subject to Community Correction



Case of Supervision over Application for Permitting Regular Activities Across Cities and Counties by a Person Subject to Community Correction, Jia

Notice by the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Issuing the Thirty-Third Group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People's Procuratorate


检例第131号 (SPP Case No. 131)


Case of Supervision over Cancellation of Probation Granted to Sun, a Person Subject to Community Correction

关键词 [Keywords]


supervision over community correction; going out and leaving the country in violation of the rules; investigation and verification; cancellation of probation

要旨 [Key Points]


The people's procuratorate shall strengthen supervision and administration of community correction institutions and legal supervision over such community correction work as educating and assisting persons subject to community correction and guarantee smooth and legitimate community correction activities. In carrying out legal supervision over community correction, the people's procuratorate shall comprehensively apply such methods as consulting files, conducting investigation and inquiry, and making information verification, ascertain whether there is any circumstance of violation of law in community correction, and accurately raise supervision opinions. Where a person subject to community correction who has been granted probation violates laws, administrative regulations, and supervision and administration provisions, the people's procuratorate shall, in light of the objective facts and subjective circumstances of the violations of laws and regulations, accurately recognize whether such violations of laws and regulations fall under “serious circumstances” and the probation shall be cancelled. Where the violation of laws and regulations falls under a circumstance where a probation should be cancelled, but the community correction institution fails to put forward a proposal for cancellation of probation to the people's court, the people's procuratorate shall raise correction opinions to the community correction institution; where there are general and tendentious violations of laws or major hidden troubles, the people's procuratorate shall put forward a procuratorial proposal.

检例第132(SPP Case No. 132)


Case of Supervision over Taking Back Cui, a Person Subject to Community Correction Who Was Permitted to Temporarily Serve a Sentence Outside an Incarceration Facility, into Incarceration

关键词 [Keywords]


supervision over community correction; key examination object; change of place of execution; disappearance of circumstances of release on bail for medical treatment; taking back a person who is permitted to temporarily serve a sentence outside an incarceration facility into incarceration

要旨 [Key Points]


In carrying out legal supervision over community correction, the people's procuratorate shall strengthen supervision over the supervision and administration activities against persons subject to community correction who are permitted to temporarily serve sentences outside an incarceration facility due to serious diseases and for whom places of execution of community correction are changed. In the supervision, the people's procuratorate shall accurately grasp the conditions for applying temporary service of a sentence outside an incarceration facility and when necessary, it may invite a person with specialized knowledge to assist in examination. Where the people's procuratorate identifies that the circumstance where a person subject to community correction is permitted to temporarily serve a sentence outside an incarceration facility disappears and the person subject to community correction has not finished his or her sentence, the people's procuratorate shall put forward a procuratorial proposal of taking back the person subject to community correction into incarceration according to the law, so as to maintain fairness and impartiality in execution of penalties.

检例第133(SPP Case No. 133)


Case of Supervision over Commutation of Sentence against Wang, a Person Subject to Community Correction

关键词 [Keywords]


supervision over community correction; righteous and courageous act; major meritorious act, supervision over commutation; procuratorial hearing

要旨 [Key Points]


In carrying out legal supervision over community correction, the people's procuratorate shall, by adhering to an objective and fair position, supervise and correct illegal acts in community correction and legally safeguard the lawful rights and interests of persons subject to community correction. Where the people's procuratorate identifies that a person subject to community correction to whom probation is granted has a righteous and courageous act, engages in rescue and relief work, and has other outstanding performance, the people's procuratorate shall supervise the relevant department's examination and determination of whether there is any circumstance of a major meritorious act and whether the person subject to community correction meets the conditions for commutation. For a case of supervision over commutation with great social impact, the people's procuratorate may hold a hearing on whether the person subject to community correction falls under circumstances of a major meritorious act and other key matters, and put forward a procuratorial proposal in light of the nature and circumstances of the original crime and the performance of the person subject to community correction during the period of community correction.

检例第134(SPP Case No. 134)


Case of Supervision over Application for Going Out by Guan, a Person Subject to Community Correction

关键词 [Keywords]


supervision over community correction; production and operation needs; application for going out; supervision according to application; follow-up supervision

要旨 [Key Points]


In carrying out legal supervision over community correction, the people's procuratorate shall supervise the community correction institution's performance of its duties of approving the application for going out filed by a person subject to community correction. Where a person subject to community correction applies for going out for production and operation needs and other justifiable reasons, but the community correction institution does not approve the application and the person subject to community correction applies to the people's procuratorate for supervision, the people's procuratorate shall, after investigation and verification, supervise the community correction institution's approval. Where the community correction institution approves the application for going out, the people's procuratorate shall supervise the community correction institution and urge it to strengthen dynamic supervision and administration of the person subject to community correction during the period of going out and ensure that the person subject to community correction can be “permitted to go out” and “be under good supervision.”

检例第135(SPP Case No. 135)


Case of Supervision over Application for Permitting Regular Activities Across Cities and Counties by a Person Subject to Community Correction, Jia

关键词 [Keywords]


supervision over community correction; regular activities across cities and counties; supervision according to application; simplified approval

要旨 [Key Points]


In carrying out legal supervision over community correction, the people's procuratorate shall effectively strengthen safeguarding of lawful rights and interests of persons subject to community correction and make efforts to solve the “most pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people.” Where a person subject to community correction applies for permitting regular activities across cities and counties (including cities and counties in different provinces) due to normal working and living needs, the people's procuratorate shall supervise the community correction institution's approval and simplification of the approval procedure and way.
















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 董帅 曲鹏翔

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