

TELUS 研科 TELUS研科 2019-08-21

Mother’s Day WeChat Contest

1.How to Enter & ELIGIBILITY


No purchase necessary.   To enter entrants must :

i) Share a picture of your memorable spring time with your mother and thenpost on their own moments on WeChat using hashtag #TELUSPhotoContest. #TELUS我妈妈最美# 或 #TELUS我妈妈是仙女#

ii)submit their post to TELUS’Official WeChat account on or before April 29 for voting (the “Entry”).  


Contest  opens for entry submissions starting April 23,  2019.  All entries must submitted nolater than 11:59PM  PST, May 1,  2019.  Maximum of one entry per entrant. TELUS does not acceptentries for this contest by any other means.


This contest is open to residents of British Columbia only 13 years of age or older .This contest excludes employees of TELUS Corporation, their affiliated companies or subsidiaries, their advertising and promotional agencies andmembers of their respective immediate families, and any person domiciled with any of the above. 

By entering the contest, you state that you haveobtained consent (if your Entry contains a person) from everyone in the photo.If your photo contains a minor (under the age of 18) parental or legal guardianconsent is required.



There will be 8 winners in total.  One GrandPrize winner, two 2nd  place winner and three  3rd place winners. 

Contestwill consist of one (1) round ofWeChat Public Voting to select winner.

On May 3,,  2019 voting will be open to the general publicto vote for their favourite Cherry Blossom photo entry.  Only one vote per person allowed. Voting willtake place May 3rd  to 23:59 PST on May 11 ,2019. 

Winner will be selected based on the highest numberof general public votes on WeChat.

In the event of a tie, a panel of TELUS judges from the Home SolutionMulticultural Marketing Team will determine the winner based on photo’screativity(50%)and composition(50%).


The selected entrants will be notified on WeChat. Theselected entrants will have two (2) business days from the date of notificationto contact the contest administrator.  Ifa selected entrant does not contact the contest administration by the end oftwo (2) business days, or if the selected entrant does not meet all of thecontest rules, another Entry will be selected.

The winning entrant of the prize must sign a standard Release form confirming compliance with the Contest Rules and releasing TELUSand its directors, officers, partnership interest holders, representatives,advertising and promotional agencies from any and all liability arising out of,pursuant to, or as a result of the carrying out of the contest includingliability arising from the acceptance of and usage of the prizes as awarded.  Failure to comply with the Contest Rules orto sign and return the Release form within 2 days of receipt will result indisqualification and another entry will be selected.


 3.THE PRIZES: There will be three (8) winners.Winners will receive one of the the following prize:

a.     1 x  Grand Prize: one (1) One – Fujifilm Instax Smartphone Printer .approx.. retailvalue$199.00

b.     2 x  2nd Place Prize:  one (1) Secrete Garden High Tea(approx.retail value $73.50). 

c.      3 x  3rd Place Prize:One (1)$50T&TGift Card  

Prize(s)must be accepted as offered with no substitutions. TELUS reserves the right tosubstitute a Prize which is, in their sole opinion, of equal or greater value,in the event that the Prize becomes unavailable for any reason whatsoever, orto cancel this promotion without notice. The odds of winning a Prize aredependent upon the total number of eligible entries received. 


Byaccepting or participating in a Prize, the winner consents to the use of theirname, address, voice, statements relating to the Contest or Contest Sponsor,and photographs or other likenesses, without compensation, in any publicitycarried out by the Contest Sponsor or any related entities in connection withthis contest.


The winning entrant of each prize will be required tosign a standard Release and Indemnity form confirming compliance with contestrules and releasing TELUS and their respective directors, officers, partnershipinterest holders, representatives, advertising and promotional agencies fromany and all liability arising out of, pursuant to, or as a result of thecarrying out of the contest including liability arising from the acceptance ofand usage of the prizes as awarded. Failure to comply with the Contest Rules or to sign and return theRelease form within 2 days of receipt will result in disqualification andanother entry will be selected.



An Entrywill be considered void if:

it, in the opinion of the contest administrators,contains content that infringes any right of any third party (for example,picture copyright)

 it contains subject matter that, in the opinion of thecontest administrators, may violate community standards or is otherwise ofquestionable taste; o

it is otherwise unlawful.

You agreethat you won’t be paid for your Entry or receive any form of compensation fromTELUS for your Entry, and that TELUS shall have the right to display your Entrywhenever and wherever required for TELUS’s purposes.

Youwarrant and represent that you own all rights to your Entry. By submitting anEntry, you irrevocably grant TELUS and its affiliates, legal representatives,assigns, agents and licensees the unconditional and perpetual right andpermission to reproduce, encode, store, copy, transmit, publish, post,broadcast, display, publicly perform, adapt, exhibit and/or otherwise use orreuse (without limitation as to when or to the number of times used) yourEntry, as well as to use your name, likeness, photograph (“Likeness”) and/orstatements regarding your participation in this contest (with or without usingyour name) in any and all media without limitation as to time or territory andwithout additional compensation or approval from you or any other party. Youhereby waive all intellectual property rights, privacy/publicity rights andother legal and moral rights that might preclude TELUS or its affiliate’s useof your Entry, and you agree not to sue or assert any claim against TELUS forthe use of your Entry or your Likeness or statements.

All entriesbecome the property of TELUS. TELUS assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen,delayed, damaged or misdirected entries or for any failure of the website, forany problems or technical malfunction of any computer online systems, servers,access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or entryto be received by TELUS on account of technical problems or traffic congestionon the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including anyinjury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to orresulting from this contest. TELUS reserves the right, at its sole discretion,to change, cancel or suspend this contest should a virus, bug or other causebeyond the reasonable control of TELUS and its advertising and promotionalagencies corrupt the security or proper administration of the contest or forany other reason. Entries are subject to verification and will be declaredinvalid if they are illegible, mechanically reproduced, mutilated, forged,falsified, altered or tampered with, or unlawful in any way. Entries submittedby unauthorized means or by spamming will be disqualified. In the event that ithas been determined that an entry has been made in a manner not sanctioned bythese rules and/or an entrant has submitted more than the number of entriespermitted by these rules, the entrant and all of their entries will bedisqualified. Entrants agree to abide by the Contest Rules and the decisions ofthe contest judges, which are final. This contest is subject to all applicablelaws and regulations.

5. ALL DECISIONS of the contest administrators are final and theContest sponsors and judging organization shall not be held responsible for anyerrors or negligence, including but not limited to any computer, online,telephone or technical malfunctions that may arise or occur in connection withthe Contest. The winner must sign a standard release prior to being awarded thePrize, which release shall include confirmation of compliance with the Contestrules and regulations and acknowledgement that Contest sponsors and the contestadministrators are not responsible for any claims or liabilities arising out ofany matter related to the Contest and the Prize. The Contest is subject to allapplicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.


6.PRIVACY.  By entering the contest,entrants consent to the use of their names, city of residence, photograph,voice and/or image for publicity purposes in all media used by TELUS, withoutpayment or compensation.  Entrants agreeto TELUS’ use of the entrants’ personal information that may include contactingyou regarding limited time offers, promotional offers and/or surveys. Fulldetails are as described in TELUS’ privacy policy located at telus.com/privacy.



 Entrantsthat are customers of TELUS at the time of entry and/or at the time of prizeaward must have their TELUS accounts in good standing (with a current accountbalance that is no more than 30 days past due) in order to be eligible to winthe prize.



