

wuhu小精灵 wuhu动画人空间 2021-10-18








(一)wuhu动画人空间 微博&哔哩哔哩 直播间




最佳短片奖Best Short Film
最佳导演奖Best Director
最佳创意奖Best creative
最佳视觉效果奖Best Visual Effects
最佳技术应用奖Best Techniques
最佳新人奖Best New Artist
最佳造型设计奖Best Character design
最佳声音效果奖Best Sound Effects
最佳剧本奖Best script
实验创新奖Best innovation










Sun Lijun

Vice president of Beijing Film Academy and President of China Animation Research Institute of Beijing Film Academy. Professor, doctoral supervisor, famous cartoonist. China Film Huabiao award, Seoul International Animation Film Festival, South Korea, the 21st Shanghai International Film Festival,Jinjue award animation unit judge. The director of《Xiao bing zhang ga》《Laughing House》《Happy running》《Batteelaersaga》《Legend of the rabbit》《Fantastic adventure》etc. Committed to the cultivation of innovative talents, for the development of China's original animation education has made outstanding contributions.



第二十届动画学院奖评委会主席。中国美术家协会动漫艺委会秘书、中国电影家协会会员、中国电影家协会动画电影工作委员会会员、北京电视艺术家协会会员,中国国际新媒体短片节评委,中国动画研究院实验动画研究中心副研究员。作品《(动画形式)人民大会堂政府工作报告》、56集动画片《兄弟姐妹一家亲》、《冬奥会之冰壶》、《雪域獒王》、《成人礼》等。教材《中国动画史》、《动画艺术大辞典》、《动漫蓝皮书:中国动漫产业发展报告》、《The history of Chinese animation》(英文)等。

Wang Hao

Chairman of the 20th Academy of Animation Awards. Secretary of Animation Art Committee of China Artists Association, member of China Film Association, member of animation film Working Committee of China Film Association, member of Beijing TV Artists Association, judge of China International New Media Short Film Festival, associate researcher of experimental animation research center of China Animation Research Institute. Works (animation form) report on the work of the government in the Great Hall of the people, 56 episodes of animated cartoons《Brothers and sisters》《Curling of Winter Olympic Games》《King of snow mastiff, adult ceremony》, etc. Textbooks: 《History of Chinese animation》《Dictionary of animation art》《Blue book of animation》: 《Report on the development of China's animation industry》《The history of Chinese animation》.




Li Jianping

Director. He is the director of Animation School of Beijing Film Academy, Secretary General of Animation Art Committee of China Artists Association, member of China Television Artists Association, Deputy Secretary General of China Animation society, and President of Beijing Film and Television Animation Association. Director of the animated film《Slaute to the heroes》and《Dragon keeper》; director of TV animation《Chinese traditional virtue story》《Dreamer》《Journey to the west》《Malan Flower》《Exploration of idiom country》and《The story of Chen Jiageng》;director of short films 《Ice painting》and《Duo Li Shuo adventure》.



Cao Xiaohui

Professor of Beijing Film Academy, first-class artist and animation director , vice president of China Animation Research Institute of Beijing Film Academy, and executive vice president of animation film Working Committee of China Film Association. He has served as the judge of China Film Huabiao award and China Film Golden Rooster Award for many times, and served as the judge of Teheran International Education Film Festival and the Fuchuan Animation Festival of South Korea. Over the years, he has been a director and screenwriter of many animated films, such as《Kitty Bay》《Fuwa》an《 bear paradise》. He has won many awards such as Chinese film "Huabiao Award", "Golden Rooster Award", China TV "Golden Eagle Award" and "golden monkey Award"; he has also won the "Golden Book Award" of the 29th International Educational Film Festival in Germany;In 1999, he won the "government subsidy" of the State Council and the second prize of the National Science Progress Award in 2017.

Cécile Blondel


塞西尔一直有两个爱好:教育和艺术。从法国中学的历史老师开始,她毕业于巴黎理工学院20世纪历史系的博士学位。塞西尔成为苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学政治和文化史讲师。搬到伦敦后,她在外交和联邦事务部的女王陛下服务处讲课,并毕业于伯贝克学院变革管理专业。回到法国后,她回到了她的老家,在巴黎科学院国际事务局工作。2012年2月,Cécile成为Gobelins、l'cole de l'image的国际关系总监,同时也是Gobelins暑期学校的执行董事。尽管她职业生涯的大部分时间都花在了教育上,但塞西尔接受了化妆师的专业培训,并通过在苏格兰成立了一家法国戏剧公司Molière for Lunch,延续了她对视觉艺术的热情。除此之外,塞西尔也狂热痴迷于犯罪文学和阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的作品。

Cécile Blondel

Cécile has always had two passions: education and the arts. Starting as a History teacher in secondary schools in France, she then graduated from Sciences Po Paris’ doctoral School in 20th Century History. Cécile became a lecturer in Political and Cultural History at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Moving to London, she lectured at Her Majesty’s Service at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and graduated at Birbeck College in Change Management. Coming back to France, she returned to her old stomping ground and worked in Sciences Po Paris for the Directorate of International Affairs. In February 2012, Cécile became Director of International Relations at Gobelins, l’école de l’image as well as Executive Director of Gobelins Summer School. Although she has spent the majority of her career in education, Cécile has taken professional training as a make-up artist and continued her passion for the visual arts by founding a French theatre company in Scotland, Molière for Lunch. Aside from this, Cécile has always had a most ‘troubling’ obsession with crime literature and the works of Alfred Hitchcock.

Steven Brown


Steven Brown

Steven Brown is a visual artist, an independent short filmmaker, an animation director, and an educator. He presently lives in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Brown is currently the Associate Program Director for the Program in Character Animation at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). Mr Brown has also previously taught extensively in the Graduate Degree Animation Program at the Tainan National University of the Arts, in Taiwan. And he has also been a frequent visiting faculty in the Beijing Film Academy’s animation program, as well as a returning guest director at the Jilin Animation Institute. Previous to that, Mr. Brown worked in theme park design as an environmental concept artist, and was involved in the development of numerous theme park attractions. His filmmaking practice includes experimental documentaries which combine elements of live action and animation, as well as more narrative and character focused 2D animated films.

Gunter Grossholz



Gunter Grossholz

Professional painter, animation master. He graduated from meinz college and Baden wuertenberg State Film Academy. He has held many individual exhibitions in China, Germany, the United States, Italy, France,Japan and Korea. He has won many awards in international film festivals. Many famous film festival judges. Professional courses are taught in many professional art colleges in Germany.

Anthony Christov


Anthony Christov

He graduated from Sofia National Academy of Fine Arts in 1981 and worked for Disney, Universal Pictures, Warner Brothers and fox in the 20th century from 1988 to 1991. Since March 2000, he has been working in Pixar Animation Company. He is currently the artistic director and conceptual art designer of Pixar. He is the artistic director of 《Finding Nemo》《The Incredibles》《Wall-E》and other animated films. He is the professor of San Francisco University of art and the founder of idea college in Italy.

Zac Retz

美国知名概念艺术家、插画家、视觉开发艺术家。目前就职于索尼影业,曾在《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》中负责视觉开发及诸多关键场面的绘制,参与《爱,死亡和机器人》的场景设计。同时作为指定合作画师服务于迪士尼、梦工厂、莱卡等知名动画公司。他还是一名儿童插画家,在 Instagram、Artstation 等网站拥有超过 15 万粉丝。

Zac Retz

American famous concept artist, illustrator, visual development artist. Currently working in Sony Pictures, he was responsible for visual development and many key scenes in 《Spider man:Into the Spider—Verse》and participated in the scene design of 《Love,Death and robot》At the same time, as a designated cooperative painter, he has served in Disney, DreamWorks, Lycra and other well-known animation companies. He is also a children's illustrator with more than 150000 fans on instagram, art station and other websites.



Yang Dengyun

Director general manager of Beijing Longma Hongsheng animation production Co, Ltd. Independent producer of original ink animation, animation director graduated from Beijing Film Academy Since 1993, it has established the original brand of "Longma animation" for 27 years. It has accumulated more than 150 animation short films, music animation, TV advertisements, love comedy packaging and documentary animation works. It has won the domestic and international professional awards, and is still making the first-line investment in Chinese context works.




Liu Jian

Filmmaker/Director, Associate Professor of CAA, member of The Academy. Liu Jian is a very creative filmmaker, his two animated feature films, Piercing I and Have Nice Day have made many records in history of Chinese animated film. His films have also won many awards domestically and internationally. These awards including nominee of Golden Bear of 67th Berlin International Film Festival, winner of Golden Horse Award of 54th Golden Horse Film Festival, Best Director of the first Pingyao International Film Festival, and more.


中国 新生代动画导演代表人物。擅长将传统和现代结合,主要作品有《中国唱诗班》、《京剧猫》等知 名动画作品,以及多部获奖动画广告。作品多次被人民日报、共青团中央、环球时报等主 流刊物党媒报道,被肉叔电影、第十放映室、烂番茄、 Sir电影、视觉志、InsDaily等知名公众号报道转载;多次受邀在北京电影学院、中国美院、上海同济大学、浙江传媒学院等著名学府举办国风动画主题讲座。动画作品 《中国唱诗班》系列为B站国漫番剧动画评分最高9.9分,豆瓣评分均在8.2以上,《相思》更是创造了一周点击率破亿的短片记录,形成社会话题。 

Peng Qingzheng

He has been known as one of the representative figure among many of Chinese animation directors. He skills at combining traditional and modern art style. His major works are about《Choir of Musings on China》and《Jingju Cats》, and many other Award-winning advertising works. The works were repeatedly reported by the mainstream media of the people's daily, the Communist Youth League Central Committee and the global times. They were reproduced by famous public official account such as meat and uncle movies, tenth screening rooms, rotten tomatoes, Sir films, vision records, InsDaily and so on. Many times, China was invited to lecture on the theme of national wind animation at Beijing Film Academy, the Chinese Academy of fine arts, Tongji University, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications and other famous institutions in Shanghai. The animation works "Chinese Choir" series is the national Manfan drama of station B. the highest score of animation is 9.9, and the score of Douban is more than 8.2. Lovesickness has created a short film record of more than 100 million hits per week, forming a social topic.



Yu Shui

Director of the Department of animation, School of new media art and design, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His works have won the gold award of best series animation in Xiamen International Animation Festival, the best short film award of Animation Academy of Beijing Film Academy, and the best rookie award of Hannover Film Festival in Germany. He has presided over seven scientific research projects of State Administration of radio, film and television, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and published five teaching materials, published dozens of papers.



He Cheng

He graduated from the Art Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1991 and worked in animation company for more than ten years. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2005, and has been teaching in the school of animation of Beijing Film Academy since he stayed in school. His main creative experiences are as follows:in 2014, he was the chief director of《The secret plan of new big head son and little head father》, and in 2016, he served as the animation film《New big head son》In 2018, he served as the chief director of the animated film《The adventures of the new big head son and little head father in Russia》and the director of the animated film《Slaute to the heroes》in 2020.



Ge Jing

Associate professor of Beijing Film Academy, director of animation planning, director of Beijing Writers Association, judge of "five one" project award of Central Propaganda Department, and judge of "China good book". His works have won the Golden Panda best screenwriter award, golden monkey award, Golden Dolphin award, Best Animation Award of New Zealand China Film Festival, and animation nomination award of Asia Pacific Film Festival.


















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