
CCSC 承创互连科技,在美国SEC递交招股书,拟纳斯达克IPO上市

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 2024-02-17

2023年3月22日,来自香港的承创互连科技CCSC Technology International Holdings Limited(以下简称“CCSC Technology”)在美国证监会(SEC)递交招股书,拟于美国纳斯达克上市,股票代码 CCTG。其于2022年6月15日在SEC秘密递交招股书。

CCSC Technology,拟以每股4至6美元发行250万股普通股,募资或达1,500万美元。

CCSC Technology招股书链接:



CCSC Technology主要从事互连产品的销售、设计和制造,包括连接器、 电缆和线束。 互连产品是在两个电子设备或网络之间形成物理或逻辑连接的重要组件。 

CCSC Technology,专注于定制互连产品,包括用于工业、汽车、机器人、医疗设备、计算机、网络和电信以及消费品等多个行业的一系列应用的连接器、电缆和线束。

CCSC Technology,为生产最终产品的制造公司以及代表此类制造公司采购和组装产品的 EMS 公司生产OEM和ODM互连产品。公司的许多客户都是全球知名品牌制造商,例如 Linak、Danfoss、Bitzer、Maersk、Universal Robots、Philips、Osram、Flextronics、Harman 和 Vtech,公司与他们建立了长期的合作关系。截至本招股书发布之日,公司在亚洲、欧洲和美洲超过25个国家/地区拥有多元化的全球客户群。


招股书显示,CCSC Technology在上市前的股东架构中,主要股东包括:

Chi Sing Chiu,通过CCSC Investment(持其69.20%),持股84.06%;

Kwok Kwan Chan, Chee Hui Law and Chi Man Chan(William),通过Cyber Generations Investment(三人分别持其23.89%, 21.66% and 23.89%),持股3.00%;

Sky Interconnect Global,持有5.66%。


招股书显示,CCSC Technology的公司架构如下:


招股书显示,CCSC Technology的管理层如下:

Dr. Chi Sing Chiu is the founder of the Company, and has served as the chairman of the board and a director of the Company since October 2021, and chairman of CCSC Interconnect HK from January 2021 to September 2021. He is in charge of the leadership of the board, strategic planning and major decision-making of our Company. From March 1993 to December 2020, he was the CEO of CCSC Interconnect HK. Dr. Chiu holds an Honorary Doctorate degree in business administration from Sabi University, and received a post-doctoral fellowship from California State University. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree of regional and industrial economic management from Nanchang University.

Dr. Chiu is a successful entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in the interconnect products industry. He has been awarded a Medal of Honor from the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Association in June 2020, and Elite of Commerce from the Economic of French Collection Metropolis Prosperity in each of 2011 and 2012. Dr. Chiu is keen on public welfare undertakings and has been awarded as Outstanding Social Responsibility Entrepreneur Award from the Hong Kong Commercial Daily in August 2021.

Mr. Kung Lok Chiu has served as the CEO and a director of the Company since October 2021. He has also served as the CEO of CCSC Interconnect HK since January 2021, and in such capacity is responsible for our Company’s overall management, corporate development and strategic planning. From January 2018 to December 2020, he served as the sales director of CCSC Interconnect HK, managing the sales department. From April 2014 to December 2017, he served as the sales manager of CCSC Interconnect HK. Mr. Chiu holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Loughborough University and an MBA degree from Concordia University Wisconsin. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Regional and Industrial Economic Management from Nanchang University. Mr. Chiu was awarded a New Generation Enterprise Elite Award from Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries in July 2022. Mr. Chiu supports public welfare undertakings and was awarded the Best Social Responsibility Award from the Guangdong-HK-Macao Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union in September 2022.

Mr. Kwok Kwan Chan has served as our COO since October 2021. He has also served as the COO of CCSC Interconnect HK since July 2020, responsible for the management and daily operation of various departments. From February 2016 to March 2021, he served as the executive assistant to the general manager of CCSC HK. Mr. Chan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Portsmouth University and a Master’s degree of Science in Industrial Automation from Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Mr. Chee Hui Law has served as our CFO since October 2021. He has also served as the CFO of CCSC Interconnect HK since January 2021. From October 2019 to December 2020, he served as a director of Excellence Capital Management Limited and was responsible for the project management for the Company. From April 2019 to September 2019, he served as the CFO of State Energy International Group Ltd. and was responsible for the overall management of its accounting and corporate finance department, including overseeing the financial management, regulatory compliance and reporting obligation. From September 2012 to March 2019, he served as the CFO and company secretary of AAB International Holding Limited. Mr. Law holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Australia. Mr. Law is a Certified Practicing Accountant of CPA Australia and Member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Mr. Chi Man Chan (William) has served as our CSO since October 2021. He has also served as the CSO of CCSC Interconnect HK since October 2020. From January 1997 to September 2020, he served as the vice president of CCSC Interconnect HK, managing the daily operation of the sales department. Mr. Chan holds a High Diploma in computer science from Chu Hai College of Higher Education in Hong Kong. With over twenty-five years of experience in sales of interconnect products, we believe Mr. Chan is well qualified to serve as our CSO.

Ms. Sin Ting Chiu has served as a director of the Company since October 2021. From May 2016 to September 2021, she was responsible for overseeing the overall administration and human resources affairs and served as the manager of the finance department of CCSC Interconnect HK. Ms. Chiu holds a Bachelor’s degree in Bioscience (nutrition) from the University of Nottingham.

Dr. Wai Chun Tsang is an independent director nominee. In April 2000, she founded TWC Corporate Services Ltd., a company that provides accounting, corporate and private equity fund administration services, and has since served as a managing director, responsible for overall supervision of the company. Currently, she serves as a director of ten companies, including a Hong Kong listed company, Timeless Software Ltd. Ms. Tsang holds a diploma in secretarial management from Hong Kong Baptist College, an MBA from Heriot-Watt University, an Honorary Doctorate degree in business administration from Sabi University in France, and a Doctorate degree from International American University.

Dr. Tsz Fai Shiu is an independent director nominee. Since 2005, he has been working for Knowing Management Consultancy, where he serves as the principal consultant and training director. His responsibilities include: overall office administration and management, formulating marketing strategies and performing marketing functions, providing consulting and training services to individual and corporate clients. Mr. Shiu holds a Bachelor’s degree in social service and social work from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a Master’s degree in business administration from Sheffield Hallam University in United Kingdom, and a Doctorate degree in business administration from Bulacan State University in Philippines.

Mr. Kenneth Wang is an independent director nominee. Since September 2009, he has served as the President of Synergy Turfs Co., Ltd., a Taiwanese company that produces artificial turf for leisure and sports industry, where he oversees new market expansion and product development, manages key accounts to promote profitability and customer satisfaction. From March 1993 to September 2009, he served as the managing director of Best Interlink Group, where he managed primary account relationships. From June 1981 to March 1993, he served as the head of the Sr. technical staff of Hughes Aircraft Company in Fullerton, where he provided technical evaluations of engineering design documents sourced from third parties, advised design team on potential implementation plans, and monitored design processes from conceptual through implementation. Mr. Wang holds a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from California State University and an MBA from the National University (La Jolla, CA).

Dr. Pak Keung Chan is an independent director nominee. Since April 2016, he has been working as an independent advisor, specializing on the design, testing and global marketing of computer memory products and systems for aerospace and military industries. He served as an Emeritus Consultant to the chairman and CEO of the Integrated Manufacturing Solutions, Greater China, from April 2015 to March 2016, and served as the President, of Sanmina Corporation, a Nasdaq listed company, from March 1999 to March 2015. Dr. Chan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation from Tianjin University; and Postgraduate degree in Applied Electronic Engineering from Hong Kong University; and Honorary Doctorate degree of Philosophy in Business Administration from Tarlac State University. He also received post-doctoral fellowship in Art Management and Technology from University of Quebec, and post-doctoral fellowship in Business and Technology Management from China National School of Administration.


招股书显示,在过去的2021财年、2022财年(财政年度结算日期为9月30日)和2023财年前六个月(截至2022年9月30日),CCSC Technology的收入分别为2,260.84万、2,716.99万美元和1562.09万美元,相应的净利润分别为 242.97万、228.92万和284.04万美元。


CCSC Technology是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:Joseph Stone Capital, LLC为其承销商;Friedman LLP/Marcum Asia CPAs LLP为其审计师;金诚同达、翰博文别为其公司中国律师、公司美国律师;Becker & Poliakoff LLP为其承销商美国律师。

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CCSC 承创互连科技,在美国SEC递交招股书,拟纳斯达克IPO上市

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital

